Remembering Megha Vaidya
It was sometime last year, that I received an email urging monetary help for a very young Indian graduate student, at Kansas State University - Lawrence. Megha Vaidya was diagnosed with a very rare form of acute leukemia.
I did my bit at that time, and followed up on her progress, which her friends at Kansas State University religiously posted on the web.
Time passed, and this girl's fight for her life, went into the background, and eventually from my mind.
I've been attending a training program for the last few weeks, and late last night, during one of my nicotine breaks, with a guy named Krishna, happened to know that Megha was a very close friend of his. Just as I was realizing, how small a world we live in, that out came the sad news - Megha lost her battle with cancer, a few weeks ago.
Krishna, who credits Megha with his current academic success, all the way back during his undergrad days, gave me insights about this girl, whom I never met, yet, was moved by the sheer gravity of her situation.
There have been days, when I would think about what if I realized I only had a known number of days to live, and what would I really do with the short supply of time.
But, this question, never really hit home, until, Krishna told me about Megha. This is the closest I've come to meeting a very young individual with a terminal illness.
How tender, short and uncertain life is. And yet, we all, in a way, take it for granted.
May her soul rest in peace, and may God, give her family the strength to bear this loss.
And thanks to Megha's friends, who strived hard to raise funds for her treatment, Megha survived longer, and got to spend her last days with her family.
These guys, made a difference, in her world.
I did my bit at that time, and followed up on her progress, which her friends at Kansas State University religiously posted on the web.
Time passed, and this girl's fight for her life, went into the background, and eventually from my mind.
I've been attending a training program for the last few weeks, and late last night, during one of my nicotine breaks, with a guy named Krishna, happened to know that Megha was a very close friend of his. Just as I was realizing, how small a world we live in, that out came the sad news - Megha lost her battle with cancer, a few weeks ago.
Krishna, who credits Megha with his current academic success, all the way back during his undergrad days, gave me insights about this girl, whom I never met, yet, was moved by the sheer gravity of her situation.
There have been days, when I would think about what if I realized I only had a known number of days to live, and what would I really do with the short supply of time.
But, this question, never really hit home, until, Krishna told me about Megha. This is the closest I've come to meeting a very young individual with a terminal illness.
How tender, short and uncertain life is. And yet, we all, in a way, take it for granted.
May her soul rest in peace, and may God, give her family the strength to bear this loss.
And thanks to Megha's friends, who strived hard to raise funds for her treatment, Megha survived longer, and got to spend her last days with her family.
These guys, made a difference, in her world.
Pretty movin account u've mentioned here.Yea we take many things for granted,(life for one)without realisin the importance. Hmm its also a fact that one may come across several people but few leave an impression strong nough to remember them for some time to come! Philosophical??? :) Well true all the same! :)
vahbyz, at 8:31 AM
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