(a)Musings & not so (a)Musings

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Cricket Bats

Part 3 - Taking care of your bat

The first thing you need to protect about your bat, is the toe. Since this is the part that constantly comes in touch with the ground, there are great chances for moisture to seep in, and ruin your bat.

There are ready made products available that you can just buy and stick it on the bat's toe. Just look or ask for a toe protector in any sport shop that sells cricketing gear.

Or, you can do the simpler and cheaper way. Buy a good wood sealant. Shoe Goo does the trick, and if you get a product called Goop in your city or country, at a local hardware store, that will work fine as well.

The other thing that you may want to protect is the face of your bat. There, are scuff sheets available, that you can stick onto the face of the bat. This ensures that the ball doesnt damage the surface of your bat, or leave any marks on it.

This is a good thing to protect your bat, and I do recommend it. But be prepared to take it off and put in a new one at the start of a new season.

Did I hear a why? Well, thats because, you need to oil your bat, and spend atleast an hour knocking it. You really thought you could get away with knocking your bat just once ;)

Well, the above step is not mandatory, your bat should still be good, but it doesnt hurt to oil it once a year, and give it a once over with a mallet.


Store the bat in a cool, dry area, preferably in a horizontal position, during off season. The reasoning is, any residual moisture in the wood, that is around the face of your bat, will flow down, further away from it, towards the rear, rather, than go towards the toe, if you had stored it vertically.

With this, my own personal Cricket Bat Trilogy comes to an end. I have just made sure that your bat will help you score runs, and also last a long time. Whether you really do, depends on you. Ask my team mates !


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