(a)Musings & not so (a)Musings

Friday, July 16, 2004

Borrow instead of buy? - Try Moogul

A great business idea, and an even greater convenience for the general public - a website that lets you borrow stuff from people across the country, for a small fee. Thats Moogul for you.
The website was launched fairly recently, a couple of weeks ago, but its a money spinner for sure.
It works in a very simple way. You have something that's lying at home, and you can end up making money off it. Just let people borrow it on Moogul, for a fee. There is a sharing period, at the end of which (another great idea !), the borrower is asked to send the material to another user who has requested the material, or they can send it back to the lender.
Among stuff listed on it, are music CDs and books. And I have a staunch feeling, Moogul will end up being the eBay of borrowing and sharing. Not only are individual users going to use this service, but it will be a perfect market place for business to rent their products. (How about if you need a spray paint machine to paint or coat your garage floor with some wazzitname thing, and you need it just for two days, and you dont want to buy it, as it'll remain unused for a good part of the year? - Rent it from one of the businesses that I'm sure will be ready to offer such things)
But why the name Moogul? Apparently, I read somewhere, it was based on name of the Moghul dynasty, but its quite clear, the founder, John Maske, wanted another 'Google' phenomenon.
Getting one's product or service used as a word of action (verb, for the literarily inclined), is a measure of the popularity and market reach of the product/service. " I FedEx-ed the package", " I Googled this thing", (and if you were in India, its "Get a Xerox of this document"), are phenomenal by themselves. Now, I'm sure, it wont be long, before "I Moogul-ed"  becomes common.
Now about sharing, especially music CDs, copyright infringement comes into one's mind. But the folks at Moogul did their homework, and its perfectly legal to share original CDs with strangers ! (talk about strange laws, or is it a gaping loophole?)
Happy Mooguling people. (There, I have unofficially started it !!!)


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